Investment advisors insurance–coverage written to your benefit.
By nature, financial organizations face many threats in a highly regulated industry. Markel understands these risks and provides dynamic insurance solutions to fulfill the unique needs of the financial sector.
Request informationWhy do investment advisor firms need insurance?
As an investment advisor, the smallest detail can make a huge impact—such as those tiny footnotes in the back of a prospectus or annual report. For your firm’s professional insurance coverage, the details are also important. That’s why your firm needs insurance coverage developed for financial service professionals to help protect you, your firm and your assets.
Our investment advisors policy includes coverage for your*:
- In-house chief compliance officer
- Acts as a fiduciary
- Mainstream investments including ETFs and alternatives
- Professional liability only
We are the obvious choice for thousands of financial services professionals, including:
- Registered investment advisors
- Pension consultants
- Family offices
- Municipal advisors
- Registered funds
- Private funds
- Venture capitalists
- US-based non-depository lending institutions
- Broker-dealers
- Miscellaneous financial services
- Non-bank trust
- Registered investment advisor with firm exposure
*Coverages are subject to policy terms, exclusions, conditions and limitations. The commercial financial institutions insurance is offered through Markel Assurance and Markel Specialty.
Errors & Omissions (E&O) liability
- Limits up to $10 million
- Deductibles options from $1,000
- Execution error coverage included
- Claims made basis
Directors & Officers (D&O) liability
- Limits up to $10 million
- Variable deductibles available
- Shared or separate limits
- Sides A, B, and C are available
If a covered event occurs that may result in damage to your practice, Markel's insurance can offer the following:
- Separate limits up to $2 million
- Funds-transfer-fraud/social engineering
- Privacy liability
- Forensic expense
- Public relations expense
- Variable deductibles available
- Ransomware
- Business interruption
- PCI assessments
Policyholders have access to the Markel Cyber Hotline, which provides 24/7 access to a breach coach and the eRiskHub portal which provides various cyber resources.
Extended coverages for your services:
- Product sales
- Tax preparation
- Limited trustee services
- Divorce financial consulting
- Accounting services
- Life insurance agents
Workers compensation
Our workers compensation coverage helps with expenses resulting from on-the-job injuries for financial institutions of all sizes.
Financial institutions bonds
Financial institution bonds can provide coverage for losses resulting from a crime event such as employee theft, fraud or forgery, theft from property and impersonation fraud.
Employment practices liability
Insurance protection for employment-related exposures customized to fit each firm's needs.
Frequently asked questions about insurance protection for investment advisors
What are my options?
Markel's investment advisor professional liability insurance program is recommended by top industry associations, compliance consultants, and custodians. Contact the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) to obtain references for professional liability insurance. Ask your colleagues who they use and if they are satisfied with the quality of coverage and service.Is having and maintaining dual insurance coverage important to me?
Many practitioners maintain coverage with both a group broker-dealer policy and a Markel policy. The advisor does this to assure that if anything happens to the broker-dealer coverage, they will still have independent coverage which they control and which maintains their retroactive date. Please read the “Other Insurance” clause in the Conditions section of your policy for the handling of claims covered by more than one insurance policy.What about aggregate depletion?
Remember that the annual aggregate limit may be quite high for a broker-dealer policy, but all registered representatives under the broker-dealer policy share it. Markel's investment advisor professional liability aggregate may cover only your practice. Take this into consideration when you are comparing limits, premium, and coverage. The greater the number of insureds under the same policy, the greater the risk that the annual aggregate limit can be depleted thus leaving no coverage for any further claims reported during that annual policy period. This is also the reason that group broker-dealer coverage costs less than a limit dedicated to your practice.Are outside RIA activities covered?
If you are dually registered as a registered representative with a FINRA broker-dealer and as a Registered Investment Advisor at the federal/state level, and you conduct investment advisory activities “away from” your registered FINRA firm, obtain your broker-dealer’s approval and confirm the broker dealer’s position on NASD 94-44. NASD 94-44 requires broker-dealers to oversight these “outside RIA” activities. In some cases, the broker dealer E&O program will not cover these outside activities even if they are approved. Check with your compliance officer at your broker-dealer.What does the professional liability policy cover?
Some insurers of investment advisors offer coverage only for fee activities. With Markel, your policy can be structured to cover both fee activities and product sales coverage. Markel can bundle coverage for both fee and commission activities in one policy to allow for a wide range of variation in the nature of practices. It is not uncommon for practitioners to gradually move their practice from fees and commissions to fee-only or to ask for coverage tailoring.What are claims-made factors and how are policy rates determined?
Claims-made step factors are increases in premium that are not based on an individual risk characteristic (e.g. revenues, staff). These factors increase the premium in each of the insurance company’s three renewals even if the insuring characteristics have not changed. This can lead to “fully mature” rate which is much higher than the first year’s premium. Markel does not utilize claims-made step factors. We have created a level rate structure to reduce the sharp increases on renewal caused by claims-made step factors. Renewal rating is no different than new business rating. The premium is driven by such factors as number of financial advisors, annual revenues, the limits, and deductible chosen and the type of services rendered.Does the policy have an "Incident Trigger" in its definition of a claim?
It is critical to determine if awareness of potential loss (incident) constitutes a claim as defined in the policy. While all policies have the requirement to report incidents that might potentially give rise to a claim, the question is whether the policy language includes incident reports within the definition of claim, thus, triggering coverage under the policy. If there is no incident trigger, a carrier may take the incident report but advise you that there is no coverage under the policy until a written demand for damages is received from the client. This is a critical point since the earlier the carrier can intervene in a potential claim, the greater the likelihood of mitigating the severity of the claim. Markel investment advisors professional liability policy contains a provision that explicitly provides a loss control and investigative expense provision. This allows us to elect to spend our own funds investigating and defending such an incident. This investigation is at the company’s expense, is not subject to the deductible, and does not reduce the applicable limits of liability. Further, once you report an incident, it is considered a claim made and reserves a slot for any future written demand for damages rising from the incident.What are the defense provisions of the policy?
Markel's investment advisors professional liability policy is a “right and duty to defend” contract which is the strongest defense provision available. Other defense clauses used in the industry are an “option but not duty to defend” which allows the insurance company to decide whether it will assume/manage your defense and may provide defense on an indemnity basis (you manage and pay for the defense and the insurance company reimburses you). Additionally, when defense is offered it may be portioned based upon whether parts of the claim are considered covered vs. non-covered acts. Markel's investment advisors professional liability coverage is “right and duty to defend,” can include defense on the whole claim, and “pays on behalf of” you in a covered claim.What is the financial strength and rating of the carrier?
For Markel’s rating, visit markel.com.
Claims examples
Additional services
Some of the key differences you may find in our commercial financial institutions policy:
Investment advisor risk hotline
As a Markel policyholder, you'll have access to our team of risk management experts who can assist with any general risk management inquiries you may have.
Existing policyholders: Talk to an expert
*Policyholders have access to our risk management and loss prevention hotline services provided by a third party provider. -
Defense provision
“Right and duty” to defend
- This is the most protective option available to policyholders
- We have a contractual obligation to defend you against covered wrongful acts as set forth in the terms of the policy
Incident trigger
Critical for early intervention in a potential claim
- A “written demand” is not required to trigger loss control
- Eligible policyholders can have access to our risk management and loss prevention hotline. This hotline allows policyholders to discuss potential claim scenarios with an attorney. We may pay up to $10,000 (without triggering the deductible) in investigative costs if the policyholder calls us before a claim is filed.
Broad coverage for business activities
- Professional services rendered or advice given to others by the insured for a fee, remuneration, or other consideration
- Activities as a financial planner, registered representative, registered investment advisor, pension consultant, investment consultant, investment manager, or life insurance agent
- Automatic coverage for acts as a fiduciary
- Management of clients’ retirement plans
- Personal liability insurance protection from the Pension Protection Act of 2006
Broad definition emcompasses a variety of professional services
- Financial advice given to others for a fee, remuneration, or other consideration
- May include pro bono advisory services
- Educational training such as ERISA 404 (c)
- Additional coverage for loss control and investigative expenses
Premium credits for professional designations and risk management strategies
- Fee-only financial advisors
- Practices dedicated to financial planning only
- Firms with multiple advisors
- Members of affinity partner financial associations and professional organizations
Request an information package with instructions on how to apply for E&O coverage.
unique like you
Every business has different coverage needs.
Risk Solution Services
We help guide you through the maze of risks with customized solutions designed specifically for your needs.
Find a sense of comfort knowing you have a team aiming to work in your best interest to help you get the most from your insurance protection.
Company responsibility
Our dedication to a responsible, sustainable approach consistently reflects the guidance of our company compass, the Markel Style.