Horse Insurance Specialist
Markel horse insurance specialist since 2002
Quick Facts
- Breed/discipline specialties: Hunters & Jumpers
- Memberships: USEF, USET, VHSA, SWVHJA
About Melissa
Like most women involved with horses, my obsession started early. My father’s job took us all over Europe and to quite a few states in this country. No matter where we lived, horses, riding, and showing were a constant in my life. Living in so many different places allowed me to experience horse shows in Europe, on both coasts, and several places in-between.
I returned to Virginia 14 years ago to settle near my parents and indulge in my passion for horses and, yes, rescue dogs. I have competed in the amateur owners, been a nervous horse show mom, and, most recently, have returned to the adult amateur ring. One thing that has always held true is that my horses and their welfare is of the utmost importance to me. They are my family and not a business.
I believe it is this amateur perspective that enables me to connect so well with my clients. We are up at the same pre-dawn hours, go to the same shows, memorize the same courses, and share the same worries about our horse kids.
I started as a Markel customer and was so impressed by the compassion and professionalism that I went to work for them. I have the distinct pleasure of seeing my customers at the back gate and knowing that “us” horse people keep all hours. I make sure that everyone knows they are welcome to call me after hours. It is a privilege to work for company that truly cares about the animals and the people they insure. So, look for me at the back gate and I’ll be glad to talk to you about your horse insurance needs.