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Commercial equine operation

Start with Markel's commercial equine liability insurance.

Submit an online application or contact one of our appointed Markel agents to get a quote today.

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Or call +1.800.842.5017 to speak with a commercial equine operation insurance specialist.

Your business is horses. Markel is committed to providing insurance protection for your business.

For over 50 years, we’ve been providing insurance coverages for equine businesses. Whether you conduct your business on your own premises or rent or lease property, policies are customizable to fit your needs, your budget and your business.

Why is insurance for commercial equine operations important?

You can never be quite sure how a horse will react in a certain situation. Even the gentlest of horses can injure someone or damage property. If it’s a customer or visitor who gets injured, or someone’s property is damaged and you are found negligent, you could be held responsible and at risk of having to pay a high monetary settlement. That’s why you may need a commercial equine liability policy—even if you have other coverage that protects you from general liability.

Here are two examples of claims we've paid out for our customers:*

  • A student was riding on our customer’s property, when the horse suddenly stopped. The student was thrown off and fractured her spine.
  • A prospective buyer of a horse took the horse on a trail ride after our customer first had them sign a trail ride release. Along the trail, the horse wanted to turn around and go back. The buyer was told several times to rein the horse in or turn him around, but the buyer let the horse proceed. The horse picked up speed and the rider fell off.

*These examples are provided for illustrative purposes only. Any claim submitted under the policy would be evaluated on its own merits and facts compared to the terms of the policy.

What we offer

Markel's commercial equine liability policy is specifically designed for almost any type of horse-related business including:

  • Boarding
  • Breeding
  • Training
  • Riding instruction
  • Horse sales
  • Clinics
  • Personal/pleasure horses

Our coverages can include:

Limits of $300,000 to $1 million are available for bodily injury and property damage. General liability aggregate limits are 3 times the liability per occurrence limit.

  • Commercial general liability coverage applies on and off premises in the U.S. and U.S. territories
  • Fire legal liability up to $100,000 at no charge (in most states)
  • Medical payments up to $5,000
  • Limited professional liability coverage for trainers, riding instructors and clinicians personal/advertising injury included
  • Products/completed operations included
  • No liability deductible
  • Defense cost paid in excess of policy limit
  • Limited athletic participants coverage included

Care, custody and control
Insurance coverage for defense and court costs for litigation, according to policy limits, and payment for judgements up to the aggregate policy amount (per animal limit applies).

Non-owned horse equipment
Available by endorsement to your commercial equine liability or horse farm package policies.

  • $10,000 liability limit for non-owned horse equipment
  • Choose from various limits to meet your needs
  • No deductible applies

Excess or umbrella liability
Coverage is an excess limit of general liability over third party liability coverages. We require the primary general liability policy to be written with Markel. The auto and employers liability can be written with outside carriers. Self-insured retention of $10,000.

  • Frequently asked questions about commercial equine operation insurance

    I board horses and give riding lessons. What kind of coverage do I need?
    Even if you have other liability coverage that protects you for general liability exposures, you may not be adequately covered. Learn more about our Commercial Equine Liability policy coverages.

    I care for other people's horses. What are my risks and liabilities?
    Many people in your situation are underinsured and unaware of the level of protection they need. Learn more about our Care, Custody and Control coverage that can be added to your Horse Farm package or Commercial Equine Liability policy.

    Our farm hosts horse shows and other horse-related events. What's the most economical way to get equine insurance--with the best possible coverage?
    It's important to choose a policy that takes into consideration every possible liability. Learn more about our Commercial Equine Liability policy coverages.

    What is the difference between an insurance agent and an insurance company?
    The nature of the equine insurance industry has changed dramatically in the past few years, and it is critical that consumers understand the differences in policies. They should also know the company - the insurer - who is protecting them.

    An insurance agent must be authorized by an insurer to solicit insurance and depending on the authority granted by the insurer, may negotiate and bind insurance coverage. The insurer underwrites and binds insurance coverage for an insured in order to indemnify their losses and provide them benefits subject to all the terms of the insurance policy.

Association membership credits

A 10% credit is available towards liability premium if you are a member of one of our accredited professional associations.

Get the protection you deserve.

Get a quote

You may also contact one of our appointed Markel agents, or download applications and supplemental forms to get a commercial equine operation insurance quote today.

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